Hi! Sorry I haven't kept up with my blog very well. Everything has been super busy here on the Rolling Plains of Auburn... but so much fun! I've been studying non-stop but I've made a little but of time for art. So, I'd like to share with you what I've been working on:
*First: My paintings.
above: tree painting inspired by the song "just let go" by mae.
below: dandelion painting inspired by the song "let your love be strong" by switchfoot.

slow dancing in a burning room: john mayer

below: painting project my mom and i did together.

*Second: my art journal.
These are some marker sketches I've been working on. Scripture or songs that have inspired me...

*Third: This is a little project I did yesterday. I got this wooden organizer at Hobby Lobby and I painted it lime green and then coated a dark brown on top of it. I finished it off with an embossed stamp of birds...
*Finally: a cool story I would like to share you about just how incredible our Savior is...
Currently, I hold the position of Zeta Tau Alpha's Big Sister/ Little Sister chair, which means I have to pick out all of the gifts for the little sisters, organize a Revealing and buy baskets for initiation so the big sisters can get them gifts and put them in the baskets. Well, I procrastinated (not like me) and waited till a couple of weeks ago to start looking for white, silver or turquoise baskets. All of the ones online would be about $800 covering the price of the baskets and shipping... oh, and they would take 2 - 6 weeks to come in. Therefore, I've been freaking out trying to find baskets for 60 girls in the city of Auburn. Since Initiation is next Sunday, I've been in a rut and running around each store in AU trying to find some. Well, yesterday I was about to walk into Hobby Lobby when I had a heart-to-heart with Jesus and prayed that He would somehow have 60 baskets in the store that would be the perfect size and nicely priced. I walk into Hobby Lobby and each top shelf on the right side of the store is aligned with 30 wooden, circular baskets. I told a lady I needed 60 and asked her the price: $4.99. She pulled out a cart from the back of exactly 60 wooden baskets and when I went to the cash register, thinking it would be about $318 (I bought ribbon for the baskets too)... but they gave me everything half price. $170. How awesome is He! In the smallest things to the biggest, His name shall be praised.