This is my friend, Ted. In my phone, his name pops up as Teddy K. I'm not sure where that came from or if he even knows that I call him that, but I do. He's one of the coolest guys I know. We met exactly one year ago at the Fellowship of Christian Athlete's Winter Recharge. He played bass guitar in the band. He's one of those friends that you could not talk to for a year and then when you hang out, it's like you try to talk about what happened since the last time you talked - but because you are so similar and so distracted by the little things, it makes it difficult to carry on a conversation. Haha - That's a good thing though! We eventually got around to talking about the past semester (we haven't hung out in a long time). Today, we walked around downtown in Athens, getting blown away by the intense wind and laughing the whole way. We went into a bunch of shops, checking out all of the objects that could possibly act as a back scratcher and checking out the cool hats and such.
Ted is also a barista and had to work tonight so I followed him to the wonderful Jittery Joe's for his late-night shift. We were able to talk a lot more about life and all of the wonders of it - school, romance (or lack thereof), coffee... we didn't talk much about Jesus but He was definitely present. If you haven't had an intense conversation with me lately, you won't know exactly how rough of a semester this has been for me... but it's been bad. It was so encouraging to talk to Ted - especially when it comes to the dating department. We both have the same issue: we analyze things WAY too much, before anything is physically there to even analyze. I'm thankful for Ted. And I'm thankful for the time we got to hang out tonight. Enjoy the pics!
The one below is our "family Christmas card" enactment. You can't tell but he's sporting an awesome Santa sweater as well as a duotoned gray cardigan.
This is Chris, one of Ted's co-workers. He's a pretty cool guy. We tried to take the picture with the sign that says "Jittery Joe's" and on the bottom, it says "running fuel" or something "fuel"... so we were acting like we were running. On fuel. But it doesn't really make sense because you can't read the entire sign. Next, is a picture (taken by Chris) of Ted and I talking about the Naughty List... a list of lattes that hold about 1000 calories in them each. ;o) Just kidding. Ben, on the other hand, is a friend of Chris and Ted. I actually didn't formally meet him, but Ted took a picture of him as he was leaving. And now he will forever be engraved on this blog.
These are the lovely packages I wrapped. Chase did an awesome job on wrapping mine so I couldn't let him beat me out! The three at the bottom have the reindeer wrapped up in them for my grandparents, aunts and uncles.