Soooo I don't want to ruin any surprises for my bridesmaids... but I have something SOOOO STINKIN' SPECIAL to give to them at the bridal luncheon.
Hint: It was the basis of the first conversations with two of the girls in the bridal party and re-created a super strong bond between my matron of honor and me... No worries. I'm not giving God as a gift even though He was the basis of the conversations between and the majority of the bridal party and myself!! :)
THANK YOU to... well, you know who you are! You're so fantastic! Your gift will be a huge blessing to the ones receiving it!
Other News: Wedding plans are fabulous! Only 65 more days till I get to marry my soulmate! :) Our excitement is uncontainable!! We commend my mom on the beautiful job she's done. She hasn't stopped!! I can't wait to share everything with you all after the big day!
Also, I just realized I didn't post anything that happened in February or mostly March... so here we go:
I turned 22. The night before, my roommates, Laura Oliver and JD backed an awesome brownie cake and put 22 candles in it for me to blow out!
Then we had a SNOW day!!

[I love the picture below!]

Valentine's Day. Yep! Super romantic. We had a thai recipe complete with chicken and rice... and we ate it off of the ironing board in my room with the pretty flower lights hanging off my art shelves. :)
JD turned 25. I tried to plan a surprise party for him... but it wasn't much of a surprise because I ruined it. Oh well. It was much easier baking the cupcakes and the GIANT cupcake (I was inspired by Meredith Cook) which my roommate Jen bought for me (the pan, that is) for my birthday! I also made these Oreo truffles which were AMAZING! Everyone loved them at the party! AND it gave JD and me some time to spend together baking. :) JD had a few friends come from out of town and then I invited his closest friends from Auburn.
[And most of the people who came to the party. A couple had left early.]
March has also been a pretty crazy time for us. JD was mugged but my roommates and I came to his rescue - ALL because of his wisdom in calling us before leaving his apartment. We were there within 4 minutes of the attack beginning. No worries. JD handled himself very well. No weapons that we know of, only three big guys standing outside of his apartment that just wanted some cash.
Spring Break began at the beach with JD and mom - finishing up some great wedding things - and then concluded with a trip to Huntsville to search for a home!
And April? Well, as JD puts it, April showers bring May flowers. :) Can't wait to see all of my friends and family at the bridal showers! I know they'll be amazing!
Stay tuned!