Tour of Collections
My beautiful mom started a tour of collections on her blog. Awesome, huh? She was so kind to send me pictures from home that she took of the many collections I have in my room (in Georgia).

Don't be fooled. I didn't do this impeccable decorating in my room. My mom did it when I left for college. I found this rockin' clock at Target and she was creative enough to put it between my brown transferware collection. It looks timeless-eclectic.

A few years ago I started collecting bottles. I worked at a different coffee shop than I work at currently and I told my boss that I collected old bottles, so he gave me a box full of old ones he had in his attic. The blue ones are my favorite!

This is a collection of little trinkets I've accumulated over the years. A mini-Heinz ketchup from Eatonton, Georgia, that I took from the Country Club my good friend, Matt Rogers, and I ate at. The bowling shoe is from a night out with the Debutantes of Monroe my Senior year of high school... one of the girls accidentally walked out of the bowling alley with her shoes on and didn't realize it until we got 20 minutes outside of Athens... so we just kept the pair. By we, I mean I kept one and another girl kept the other. The matches are from my Junior Prom that I attended with Matt as well. We went to a lovely restaurant in Atlanta with a small group of close friends. There are many other trinkets but I can't exactly remember where all of them derived from.

This collection holds many of my Willow Tree angels, but not all of them! These angels are extremely special to me because I've received them as gifts from so many people who have had a significant and noteworthy influence on my life. As you can tell, I collect many pictures and pictures frames as well. My mom made the one of Kevin and me, the frame is so cool! The rest are of high school friends and cheerleading years.

This is the end of my collection tour... finishing off with my newest collection set. Johnson Brothers Historic-America Brown Transferware. My mom collects beautiful dishware and I would love nothing more than to continue to follow in her footsteps in this collection tradition. Between collecting unique and stunning dishware, as well as antiques, my home should include the same shabby-classic-southern, but sooo comfortable, home as my mom has created for our family.

I love your collections!! I have been wanting to start a transferware collection, but I am a bit nervous with 5 kids that seem to break anything I REALLY like.... that's ok!! I can always enjoy yours!! :)
I love your bottle collection. The blue ones are my favorite to. You mom is awesome but you know that already. I like the brown transferware too.
Sweet collections!I love those angels!You can never have too many of those!
What else can I say sweet Shining Star? You are always there to support me!! I love you and I am so proud of the young woman that you have become!
Shine On Sweet One!
Nice collections! I especially like your brown transferware. Thanks for sharing.
what a collection! I love your mom's colleciton.. I don't have much transferware.. thanks for sharing..
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